Detour / Desvío 2014

Detour / Desvío 2014

Detour is a translucent labyrinth, made of assembled panels of structural iron net, presented to the visitors to be walked across.  The work proposes a reflection on the meaning of taking a diversion −an alternative route− in the context of a culture that demands to follow what seems to be predefined trajectories. Indeed, the piece is proposed as a metaphor of the idea that ‘only by taking detours can we exist’.

Walking across Detour is to experiment the artwork as election, trajectory, and immersion, and to exercise the vocation of taking indirect routes.

Detour was developed with the generous support of FONDART 2013.


Catalog (PDF 2MB)
Alonso, R., Thayer, W., Dittborn, E. (2013). Detour/Desvío. Catálogo de la exposición. Santiago: Sala de Arte CCU.

Detour/Desvío (2013-14)
: 131 Structural iron net panels
10.2 x 13.40 x 2m
Centro Cultural Palacio de la Moneda (2014) & Sala de Arte CCU (2013), Santiago, Chile
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